Saturday 25 May 2013

About MBM



Dear Concerned Parent,

Are you one of those parents whose child is having difficulty in concentration, focus in their study? And you have try ways from many books, bought software or attended classes but yet to have any good result? Well fret not because MBM Midbrain Master Training Center is offering a revolutionary program to help you to assist the child for better peak performance and enhance their study.

Now, the good news is we introduced this program RT Nagar, Bangalore - 32, Karnataka, India. So you need not spend extra expenses to travel all the way to this part of the world to attend our MBM Midbrain Activation program. All at the convenience in your home country and at an affordable introductory price per program per person.

Call OR email to us NOW for the training date, time and venue. For further details in how to help your child attaining this wonderful gift of a lifetime through MBM Midbrain Activation program, take the first step by taking action TODAY.


What is MIDBRAIN & its functions:

       It is a portion of the Central Nervous System.

       Midbrain acts like a communication bridge between left and right brain.

       Once the Midbrain is activated, the hidden potential will be unleashed and will be able to balance the capability of left and right brain, also called subconscious mind activation.

       The midbrain controls many important functions such as the visual and auditory systems.


Benefits of Midbrain Training:

  Memory enhancement

  Creativity enhancement

  Confidence boosting

  Concentration enhancement

  Emotion Management

  Become Genius

Proof of Activation:

 Identification of colors and numbers with blind fold

 Reading & Coloring with blind fold

 Identify the objects from distance with blind fold etc.

Why Midbrain Activation Skill? 

  When Children are able to “See” and “Read” blindfolded, it shows that their midbrain function    is awakened and activated. Once midbrain is awakened, the hidden potentials will be unleashed in optimal function.

  Once midbrain is activated it lasts forever


For Trainig details refer tab "Trining details"

Watch our students performance in tab "Videos"

For "Live Demos" visit the branch "SS ACADEMY" at RT Nagar, Bangalore - 32. Contact - 96200 44470




  1. It is responsible for the perception of stimuli and the subsequent communication with the right and left hemispheres to process this perceptive information. Typically, as part of the lower brain centres, the mid brain is not subject to an individual’s conscious awareness. More info at

  2. There are many Midbrain Activation centre in india. If you find the best training center then you can visit our website. We provide all the courses at low prices.

  3. If you are looking for the Midbrain Activation in Jharkhand at lowest prices then visit our website.

  4. Amazing post... Thank you for sharing this post. Its like making ones child a genius one. I am very much interested in midbrain activation training for my kids.

  5. Thanks for great information you write it very clean. I am very lucky to get this tips from you.
